Genitive Case | What Is the Genitive Case?
FREE Possessive Case Worksheets. When talking about ownership, we must use the possessive case. This is a speaking and/or writing drilling exercise to review or consolidate family members vocabulary and the famous possessive 's which may cause so many problems to some students when they refe 2 18,704 Int. VY 22 INOVACE OYI5 - BPA Brno VY_22_INOVACE_OYI5 C: Rewrite the sentence and replace the noun that is underlined with a possessive pronoun. 1. Look at the toy’s hat. _____ 2. English Exercises: Gentive Case possessives exercise. UPLOADED (There were some mistakes, I think now the exercise is ok sorry) Exercises to Ss practice the genitive case with ´s. I´ve sent the ws version too.
A1 Grammar: Possessive ‘s - Exam English Grammar explanation at A1 level. Free Practice Tests for learners of English. Possessive ‘s 64 FREE Possessive Case Worksheets - Busy Teacher FREE Possessive Case Worksheets. When talking about ownership, we must use the possessive case. This is a speaking and/or writing drilling exercise to review or consolidate family members vocabulary and the famous possessive 's which may cause so many problems to some students when they refe 2 18,704 Int. VY 22 INOVACE OYI5 - BPA Brno
2. The ´s genitive can be used not only with names (people) but also other expressions – animals, geographical expressions, time expressions. Are the following phrases right or not? 1. the office of the teacher 2. children’s shoes 3. the world’s population 4. Britain’s scientists 5. the letter’s top 6. the dog’s kennel 7. the club’s owner 8. NAME: DATE: GRAMMAR WORKSHEET POSSESSIVE: -’S and S’ POSSESSIVE: -’S and -S’. singular nouns: add -'s. example: boy boy’s The boy’s bicycle is blue. plural nouns: add -s'. example: boys boys’ The boys’ bicycles are blue. some irregular plural nouns: add -'s. example: children children’s The children’s bicycles … s- and of-genitive EXERCISE 1 Unterstreiche alle s-Genitive und übersetze die ganzen Sätze ins Deutsche. Achte darauf, ob der Genitiv im Singular oder im Plural ist. 1a Jane is my sister’s best friend. 1b Jane is my sisters’ best friend. 2a Kevin is our teacher’s son. 2a Kevin is our teachers’ son. 3a This is my aunt’s house. 3b This is my aunts’ house. Genitive s Possessive 's - English online grammar exercises
Grammar explanation at A1 level. Free Practice Tests for learners of English. Possessive ‘s 64 FREE Possessive Case Worksheets - Busy Teacher FREE Possessive Case Worksheets. When talking about ownership, we must use the possessive case. This is a speaking and/or writing drilling exercise to review or consolidate family members vocabulary and the famous possessive 's which may cause so many problems to some students when they refe 2 18,704 Int. VY 22 INOVACE OYI5 - BPA Brno VY_22_INOVACE_OYI5 C: Rewrite the sentence and replace the noun that is underlined with a possessive pronoun. 1. Look at the toy’s hat. _____ 2.
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